AQAR 2022-23


Criteira 1 : 
 minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum  committee 
1.3.1 List of courses with the descriptions 
 1.4.1 report on feedback 
1.1.1 anatomy criteria
1.1.1 gen medicine 
1.1.1 gen pathology 
1.1.1 pharmacology
1.1.1 physiology 
1.1.1 surgery 
Interdisciplinary PG posting 
Interdepartmental Seminar 
 Criteria 2 : 
 2.1 BDS 2022-23 admission 
 2.1 MDS 2022-23 admission
 2.1.1 ADM rule GR 
 2.2.3 Smile Ahmedabad December 2022
 2.2.3 Smile Ahmedabad June 2023 
 2.3.3 ICT enabled tools 
 2.3.3  List of teachers using ICT enabled tools 
 2.3.5 appropriate documentry evidence 
 2.6.1 method of assesment of learning outcome 
 2.6.1 relevant documents pertaining to learning outcome 
 2.6.1 upload  course outcome for all courses 
 2.6.3 programme specific learning outcome 
2.6.3 programme specific learning outcome updated 
  2.6.4 PTM procedings 
 2.6.4 follow up action 
Criteria 3:

3.1.3 List of Funding Agencies

3.2.1 List of Innovations

3.4.3 Awards for Extensiton and Outreach Activities

3.4.4 Details of Institutional Social Responsibiliy 
Criteria 4:
4.1.1 Physical facilitites 2022-23
4.1.2 geo tagged photographs 
4.1.3 any other relevant information 
4.2.1 clinical facilities 2022-23 
4.2.2 hospital record hmis photos 2022-23
4.5.2 maintance record photos 2022-23 
4.1.2 List of Sports Equipments 2022
4.1.3 campus facilities 
4.2.1 Equipments and Instruments 2022-23 
4.3.2 geo tagged library ambience 
4.3.1 geo tagged library facilitites
4.3.2  2022-23 library purchase 
4.3.5  Library attendance 2022-23 
4.4.2 IT cell meeting minutes 2022-23
4.5.2 maintenance meeting 2022-23
Criteria 5 : 
 5.1.3 Institutional Website Link
 5.1.4 for International students cell 
 5.3.2 report on the student council 
5.4.1 Registration of alumni association  
5.4.1 Details of alumni association activites 
5.4.1 Frequency of meetings of alumni asscociation 
5.4.1 Quantam of Financial 
5.4.1 Audited statement of accounts of alumni association 
 Criteria 6 : 
 6.1.1 vision mission documents 
 6.1.1 Institutional awards and achievments 
 6.1.2 organogram 
 6.2.1 orgnizational structure 
 6.2.1 strategic plan document 
 6.3.3  Reports of program conducted 
 6.3.4 Certificates of teachers undergoing faculty development programme 
 6.3.5 Performance appraisal system   
 6.4.1 HRM, Library, maintenance Policy 
 6.5.1 Minutes of IQAC meetings July 2022- Oct 2023 
Criteria 7 :
7.1.2 annual sensitiazation plan 
7.1.2 any other relevant information 
7.1.2 specific fecilities for women 
7.1.3 geo tagged photos 
 7.1.4 any other relevant information 
7.1.4 Geo tag photos
7.1.4 relevant documents  
7.1.5 geo tag phots 
7.1.6 geo tag photos of facilities 
7.1.8 any other relevant information 
7.1.8 supporting documents 
7.1.9 code of conduct - 2023
7.2 any other relevant information 
7.3 any other relevant information 
7.2 Best practices 
 7.3Instituitional Distinctiveness 
Criteria 8 : 
 8.1.2 any other information 
 8.1.3 CSSD register 2023 
 8.1.3 disinfection register 2023 
 8.1.3 fogging and  fumigation 2023 
 8.1.3 hepatitis vaccination 2023 
 8.1.3 needle stick injury recird 2022 -23 
 8.1.3 PPE details 2022 - 23 
 8.1.4 orientation circular 2023 
 8.1.4 program report 
 8.1.6 geo tag photos and student training 
 8.1.8 geo tag photograph of OSCE station 
 8.1.8 any other relevant information 
 8.1.8 list of competencies 
 8.1.8 report on the list step taken by college to measure attaintment of speciofic competencies 
 8.1.10 dental gradute attribute 
 8.1.12 any other relevant information 
 8.1.12 list of teacher who participated in seminars on emerging trends organized by DEU 
 8.1.12 list of seminar on emerging trends in dental education technology organized by DEU  in last 5 years