About Alumni

The Alumni Association of Government Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad is named as Alumni Association Gov. Dental College. It is a well-structured body with a President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive committee members which meets regularly at the interval of once in a year.

This association aims in providing an effective and a functional platform for innovative measures for the upliftment of the college, alumnus, students and society on the whole. The association serves as a bridge between alumni, students and management of the college. There are 42 alumni working as faculty in our prestigious college, with their support and cooperation many effective programs are initiated and conducted in a successful manner in our college. The alumni are specially invited from outside to our college to have good interaction with the present students so that the students get an orientation and guidance in their prospective dental career and motivated to face their professional challenges in their near future. The Alumni is conversant with the programs and activities of the college provide financial support to the college and its programs, develop alumni programs that foster fellowship among alumni and encourage the physical, moral, and spiritual growth of the college and assist the college in the growth of its academic, administrative, cultural, and extracurricular activities. Many of the students have been given ample opportunities in the clinics run by our esteemed Alumni’s as a way of gratitude towards the college. Senior alumni’s recruits junior alumni in their clinics thereby providing them job opportunities along with clinical exposure eventually helping them to become better practitioner.Our alumni also love to engage in extracurricular activities like tree plantation. They have planted around 500 trees around college building. Apart from this there are 330 books in the central library of our college is donated by our alumni. To add on this, our alumni also donated books in their respective department library. Many of the alumni from our college has been holding prime positions in premier institutions and governing bodies Regular updates of the events and conferences held in our college will be constantly updated to the alumnus through mails and websites for the knowledge of its members.
Government Dental College and Hospital Alumni Association is reconnecting and strengthen the ties between alumni, students and the institution this also provides the opportunity to formally give back and connect with the institution.
  • To create a platform for the alumni to encourage collaboration in partnership among them and also with the institution
  • To engage the students by sharing their knowledge, expertise resource and training to the students which will help them enormously
  • To make the present students gain experience from the encounters of alumni
  • To organise and facilitate national and international conferences, workshops seminars, lectures and training for the enhancement of knowledge among the students.